Explain method of log class of android
Above is the structural view of any Android project in Eclipse. I'll explain each one by one.
1) SRC : SRC is a folder where main source code of your project exists. All your packages and class files reside in this folder.
2) GEN : GEN is a folder where R.java file resides. All the resources in your project like images, strings, sounds, videos you can access in your source code or java file using R.java.
3) Android 2.2 : Its is a folder where jar file for the particular version of android exist.
4) RES : In this folder all the resources located. All strings, images, values etc.
5) DRAWABLE : In this folder all your images required in the project stored. It has four different folder for different resolution display. Drawable-hdpi is for High Density Pixel displays, Drawable-mdpi is for Medium Density Pixel displays and so on.
6) LAYOUT : This folder holds all XML file for your all activities. There are individual XML file for each activity. You can drag and drop controls on the layout, change properties of controls. Ultimately this is your design hub for your Android project.
7) VALUES : This folder holds some XML files for other resources like string, color etc.
8) AndroidManifest.xml : This is the main configuration file of any Android project. All the activities, filters, services must inform AndroidManifest.xml file. This file has all the information of your project and your application.
Thats is. This is all you need know to understand any Android project.
Directory Structure of Android Project in Eclipse...
Above is the structural view of any Android project in Eclipse. I'll explain each one by one.
1) SRC : SRC is a folder where main source code of your project exists. All your packages and class files reside in this folder.
2) GEN : GEN is a folder where R.java file resides. All the resources in your project like images, strings, sounds, videos you can access in your source code or java file using R.java.
3) Android 2.2 : Its is a folder where jar file for the particular version of android exist.
4) RES : In this folder all the resources located. All strings, images, values etc.
5) DRAWABLE : In this folder all your images required in the project stored. It has four different folder for different resolution display. Drawable-hdpi is for High Density Pixel displays, Drawable-mdpi is for Medium Density Pixel displays and so on.
6) LAYOUT : This folder holds all XML file for your all activities. There are individual XML file for each activity. You can drag and drop controls on the layout, change properties of controls. Ultimately this is your design hub for your Android project.
7) VALUES : This folder holds some XML files for other resources like string, color etc.
8) AndroidManifest.xml : This is the main configuration file of any Android project. All the activities, filters, services must inform AndroidManifest.xml file. This file has all the information of your project and your application.
Thats is. This is all you need know to understand any Android project.