Thursday, 21 September 2017

Insert SQL Comma seprated data

create table #tbl0(Srno int,value int)
insert #tbl0
select Row_number() over (order by (select 1) ) as Srno,value from dbo.Split(@arrRelId, ',')

create table #tbl1(Srno int,value int)
insert #tbl1
select Row_number() over (order by (select 1) ) as Srno,value from dbo.Split(@arrRelCAmt, ',')

create table #tbl2(Srno int,value DATE)
insert #tbl2
select Row_number() over (order by (select 1) ) as Srno,value from dbo.Split(@arrDOB, ',')

INSERT INTO GCI_InsureInfo (GCI_ID,RelationId,SUMINSURE,DOB,Salutation)
SELECT @identity,T.value,S.value,CONVERT(DATE,Q.value,101),(CASE WHEN T.value in (2,11) THEN 'Mrs.' WHEN T.value in(1,3,4,12) THEN 'Mr.' WHEN T.value in(7,8) THEN 'Miss.' ELSE '' END)
FROM #tbl0 T
Inner Join #tbl1 S on S.Srno=T.Srno
inner Join #tbl2 Q ON Q.Srno = S.Srno AND Q.Srno = T.Srno

Monday, 2 September 2013

Notification of Android



extends Object
implements Parcelable

Class Overview

A class that represents how a persistent notification is to be presented to the user using the NotificationManager.
The Notification.Builder has been added to make it easier to construct Notifications.

Developer Guides

For a guide to creating notifications, read the Status Bar Notifications developer guide.


Nested Classes
class Notification.BigPictureStyle Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a large image attachment. 
class Notification.BigTextStyle Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a lot of text. 
class Notification.Builder Builder class for Notification objects. 
class Notification.InboxStyle Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings. 
class Notification.Style An object that can apply a rich notification style to a Notification.Builder object. 
int DEFAULT_ALL Use all default values (where applicable).
int DEFAULT_LIGHTS Use the default notification lights.
int DEFAULT_SOUND Use the default notification sound.
int DEFAULT_VIBRATE Use the default notification vibrate.
int FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if the notification should be canceled when it is clicked by the user.
int FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification represents a currently running service.
int FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY This constant was deprecated in API level 16. Use priority with a positive value.
int FLAG_INSISTENT Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that if set, the audio will be repeated until the notification is cancelled or the notification window is opened.
int FLAG_NO_CLEAR Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if the notification should not be canceled when the user clicks the Clear all button.
int FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification is in reference to something that is ongoing, like a phone call.
int FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if you want the sound and/or vibration play each time the notification is sent, even if it has not been canceled before that.
int FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if you want the LED on for this notification.
int PRIORITY_DEFAULT Default notification priority.
int PRIORITY_HIGH Higher priority, for more important notifications or alerts.
int PRIORITY_LOW Lower priority, for items that are less important.
int PRIORITY_MAX Highest priority, for your application's most important items that require the user's prompt attention or input.
int PRIORITY_MIN Lowest priority; these items might not be shown to the user except under special circumstances, such as detailed notification logs.
int STREAM_DEFAULT Use this constant as the value for audioStreamType to request that the default stream type for notifications be used.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
public static final Creator<Notification> CREATOR Parcelable.Creator that instantiates Notification objects
public int audioStreamType The audio stream type to use when playing the sound.
public RemoteViews bigContentView A large-format version of contentView, giving the Notification an opportunity to show more detail.
public PendingIntent contentIntent The intent to execute when the expanded status entry is clicked.
public RemoteViews contentView The view that will represent this notification in the expanded status bar.
public int defaults Specifies which values should be taken from the defaults.
public PendingIntent deleteIntent The intent to execute when the notification is explicitly dismissed by the user, either with the "Clear All" button or by swiping it away individually.
public int flags
public PendingIntent fullScreenIntent An intent to launch instead of posting the notification to the status bar.
public int icon The resource id of a drawable to use as the icon in the status bar.
public int iconLevel If the icon in the status bar is to have more than one level, you can set this.
public Bitmap largeIcon The bitmap that may escape the bounds of the panel and bar.
public int ledARGB The color of the led.
public int ledOffMS The number of milliseconds for the LED to be off while it's flashing.
public int ledOnMS The number of milliseconds for the LED to be on while it's flashing.
public int number The number of events that this notification represents.
public int priority Relative priority for this notification.
public Uri sound The sound to play.
public CharSequence tickerText Text to scroll across the screen when this item is added to the status bar on large and smaller devices.
public RemoteViews tickerView The view to show as the ticker in the status bar when the notification is posted.
public long[] vibrate The pattern with which to vibrate.
public long when A timestamp related to this notification, in milliseconds since the epoch.
Public Constructors
Constructs a Notification object with default values.
Notification(int icon, CharSequence tickerText, long when)
This constructor was deprecated in API level 11. Use Notification.Builder instead.
Notification(Parcel parcel)
Unflatten the notification from a parcel.
Public Methods
Notification clone()
Creates and returns a copy of this Object.
int describeContents()
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
void setLatestEventInfo(Context context, CharSequence contentTitle, CharSequence contentText, PendingIntent contentIntent)
This method was deprecated in API level 11. Use Notification.Builder instead.
String toString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object.
void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags)
Flatten this notification from a parcel.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.os.Parcelable


public static final int DEFAULT_ALL

Added in API level 1
Use all default values (where applicable).
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

public static final int DEFAULT_LIGHTS

Added in API level 1
Use the default notification lights. This will ignore the FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS bit, and ledARGB, ledOffMS, or ledOnMS.
See Also
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int DEFAULT_SOUND

Added in API level 1
Use the default notification sound. This will ignore any given sound.
See Also
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int DEFAULT_VIBRATE

Added in API level 1
Use the default notification vibrate. This will ignore any given vibrate. Using phone vibration requires the VIBRATE permission.
See Also
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL

Added in API level 1
Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if the notification should be canceled when it is clicked by the user.
Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)

public static final int FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE

Added in API level 5
Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification represents a currently running service. This will normally be set for you by startForeground(int, Notification).
Constant Value: 64 (0x00000040)

public static final int FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY

Added in API level 11

This constant was deprecated in API level 16.
Use priority with a positive value.
Obsolete flag indicating high-priority notifications; use the priority field instead.
Constant Value: 128 (0x00000080)

public static final int FLAG_INSISTENT

Added in API level 1
Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that if set, the audio will be repeated until the notification is cancelled or the notification window is opened.
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int FLAG_NO_CLEAR

Added in API level 1
Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if the notification should not be canceled when the user clicks the Clear all button.
Constant Value: 32 (0x00000020)

public static final int FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT

Added in API level 1
Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification is in reference to something that is ongoing, like a phone call. It should not be set if this notification is in reference to something that happened at a particular point in time, like a missed phone call.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE

Added in API level 1
Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if you want the sound and/or vibration play each time the notification is sent, even if it has not been canceled before that.
Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final int FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS

Added in API level 1
Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if you want the LED on for this notification.
  • To turn the LED off, pass 0 in the alpha channel for colorARGB or 0 for both ledOnMS and ledOffMS.
  • To turn the LED on, pass 1 for ledOnMS and 0 for ledOffMS.
  • To flash the LED, pass the number of milliseconds that it should be on and off to ledOnMS and ledOffMS.
Since hardware varies, you are not guaranteed that any of the values you pass are honored exactly. Use the system defaults (TODO) if possible because they will be set to values that work on any given hardware.
The alpha channel must be set for forward compatibility.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int PRIORITY_DEFAULT

Added in API level 16
Default notification priority. If your application does not prioritize its own notifications, use this value for all notifications.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int PRIORITY_HIGH

Added in API level 16
Higher priority, for more important notifications or alerts. The UI may choose to show these items larger, or at a different position in notification lists, compared with your app's PRIORITY_DEFAULT items.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int PRIORITY_LOW

Added in API level 16
Lower priority, for items that are less important. The UI may choose to show these items smaller, or at a different position in the list, compared with your app's PRIORITY_DEFAULT items.
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

public static final int PRIORITY_MAX

Added in API level 16
Highest priority, for your application's most important items that require the user's prompt attention or input.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int PRIORITY_MIN

Added in API level 16
Lowest priority; these items might not be shown to the user except under special circumstances, such as detailed notification logs.
Constant Value: -2 (0xfffffffe)

public static final int STREAM_DEFAULT

Added in API level 1
Use this constant as the value for audioStreamType to request that the default stream type for notifications be used. Currently the default stream type is STREAM_NOTIFICATION.
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)


public static final Creator<Notification> CREATOR

Added in API level 1
Parcelable.Creator that instantiates Notification objects

public int audioStreamType

Added in API level 1
The audio stream type to use when playing the sound. Should be one of the STREAM_ constants from AudioManager.

public RemoteViews bigContentView

Added in API level 16
A large-format version of contentView, giving the Notification an opportunity to show more detail. The system UI may choose to show this instead of the normal content view at its discretion.

public PendingIntent contentIntent

Added in API level 1
The intent to execute when the expanded status entry is clicked. If this is an activity, it must include the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag, which requires that you take care of task management as described in the Tasks and Back Stack document. In particular, make sure to read the notification section Handling Notifications for the correct ways to launch an application from a notification.

public RemoteViews contentView

Added in API level 1
The view that will represent this notification in the expanded status bar.

public int defaults

Added in API level 1
Specifies which values should be taken from the defaults.
To set, OR the desired from DEFAULT_SOUND, DEFAULT_VIBRATE, DEFAULT_LIGHTS. For all default values, use DEFAULT_ALL.

public PendingIntent deleteIntent

Added in API level 1
The intent to execute when the notification is explicitly dismissed by the user, either with the "Clear All" button or by swiping it away individually. This probably shouldn't be launching an activity since several of those will be sent at the same time.

public int flags

Added in API level 1

public PendingIntent fullScreenIntent

Added in API level 9
An intent to launch instead of posting the notification to the status bar.

public int icon

Added in API level 1
The resource id of a drawable to use as the icon in the status bar. This is required; notifications with an invalid icon resource will not be shown.

public int iconLevel

Added in API level 1
If the icon in the status bar is to have more than one level, you can set this. Otherwise, leave it at its default value of 0.

public Bitmap largeIcon

Added in API level 11
The bitmap that may escape the bounds of the panel and bar.

public int ledARGB

Added in API level 1
The color of the led. The hardware will do its best approximation.

public int ledOffMS

Added in API level 1
The number of milliseconds for the LED to be off while it's flashing. The hardware will do its best approximation.

public int ledOnMS

Added in API level 1
The number of milliseconds for the LED to be on while it's flashing. The hardware will do its best approximation.

public int number

Added in API level 1
The number of events that this notification represents. For example, in a new mail notification, this could be the number of unread messages. The system may or may not use this field to modify the appearance of the notification. For example, before HONEYCOMB, this number was superimposed over the icon in the status bar. Starting with HONEYCOMB, the template used by Notification.Builder has displayed the number in the expanded notification view. If the number is 0 or negative, it is never shown.

public int priority

Added in API level 16
Relative priority for this notification. Priority is an indication of how much of the user's valuable attention should be consumed by this notification. Low-priority notifications may be hidden from the user in certain situations, while the user might be interrupted for a higher-priority notification. The system will make a determination about how to interpret this priority when presenting the notification.

public Uri sound

Added in API level 1
The sound to play.
To play the default notification sound, see defaults.

public CharSequence tickerText

Added in API level 1
Text to scroll across the screen when this item is added to the status bar on large and smaller devices.
See Also

public RemoteViews tickerView

Added in API level 11
The view to show as the ticker in the status bar when the notification is posted.

public long[] vibrate

Added in API level 1
The pattern with which to vibrate.
To vibrate the default pattern, see defaults.

public long when

Added in API level 1
A timestamp related to this notification, in milliseconds since the epoch. Default value: Now. Choose a timestamp that will be most relevant to the user. For most finite events, this corresponds to the time the event happened (or will happen, in the case of events that have yet to occur but about which the user is being informed). Indefinite events should be timestamped according to when the activity began. Some examples:
  • Notification of a new chat message should be stamped when the message was received.
  • Notification of an ongoing file download (with a progress bar, for example) should be stamped when the download started.
  • Notification of a completed file download should be stamped when the download finished.
  • Notification of an upcoming meeting should be stamped with the time the meeting will begin (that is, in the future).
  • Notification of an ongoing stopwatch (increasing timer) should be stamped with the watch's start time.
  • Notification of an ongoing countdown timer should be stamped with the timer's end time.

Public Constructors

public Notification ()

Added in API level 1
Constructs a Notification object with default values. You might want to consider using Notification.Builder instead.

public Notification (int icon, CharSequence tickerText, long when)

Added in API level 1

This constructor was deprecated in API level 11.
Use Notification.Builder instead.
Constructs a Notification object with the information needed to have a status bar icon without the standard expanded view.
icon The resource id of the icon to put in the status bar.
tickerText The text that flows by in the status bar when the notification first activates.
when The time to show in the time field. In the System.currentTimeMillis timebase.

public Notification (Parcel parcel)

Added in API level 1
Unflatten the notification from a parcel.

Public Methods

public Notification clone ()

Added in API level 1
Creates and returns a copy of this Object. The default implementation returns a so-called "shallow" copy: It creates a new instance of the same class and then copies the field values (including object references) from this instance to the new instance. A "deep" copy, in contrast, would also recursively clone nested objects. A subclass that needs to implement this kind of cloning should call super.clone() to create the new instance and then create deep copies of the nested, mutable objects.
  • a copy of this object.

public int describeContents ()

Added in API level 1
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
  • a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshalled by the Parcelable.

public void setLatestEventInfo (Context context, CharSequence contentTitle, CharSequence contentText, PendingIntent contentIntent)

Added in API level 1

This method was deprecated in API level 11.
Use Notification.Builder instead.
Sets the contentView field to be a view with the standard "Latest Event" layout.
Uses the icon and when fields to set the icon and time fields in the view.
context The context for your application / activity.
contentTitle The title that goes in the expanded entry.
contentText The text that goes in the expanded entry.
contentIntent The intent to launch when the user clicks the expanded notification. If this is an activity, it must include the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag, which requires that you take care of task management as described in the Tasks and Back Stack document.

public String toString ()

Added in API level 1
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object. Subclasses are encouraged to override this method and provide an implementation that takes into account the object's type and data. The default implementation is equivalent to the following expression:
   getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())
See Writing a useful toString method if you intend implementing your own toString method.
  • a printable representation of this object.

public void writeToParcel (Parcel parcel, int flags)

Added in API level 1
Flatten this notification from a parcel.
parcel The Parcel in which the object should be written.
flags Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE.

Broadcast Receiver

Broadcast Receiver


extends Object
   ↳ android.content.BroadcastReceiver
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

Base class for code that will receive intents sent by sendBroadcast().
If you don't need to send broadcasts across applications, consider using this class with LocalBroadcastManager instead of the more general facilities described below. This will give you a much more efficient implementation (no cross-process communication needed) and allow you to avoid thinking about any security issues related to other applications being able to receive or send your broadcasts.
You can either dynamically register an instance of this class with Context.registerReceiver() or statically publish an implementation through the <receiver> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml.
Note:    If registering a receiver in your Activity.onResume() implementation, you should unregister it in Activity.onPause(). (You won't receive intents when paused, and this will cut down on unnecessary system overhead). Do not unregister in Activity.onSaveInstanceState(), because this won't be called if the user moves back in the history stack.
There are two major classes of broadcasts that can be received:
  • Normal broadcasts (sent with Context.sendBroadcast) are completely asynchronous. All receivers of the broadcast are run in an undefined order, often at the same time. This is more efficient, but means that receivers cannot use the result or abort APIs included here.
  • Ordered broadcasts (sent with Context.sendOrderedBroadcast) are delivered to one receiver at a time. As each receiver executes in turn, it can propagate a result to the next receiver, or it can completely abort the broadcast so that it won't be passed to other receivers. The order receivers run in can be controlled with the android:priority attribute of the matching intent-filter; receivers with the same priority will be run in an arbitrary order.
Even in the case of normal broadcasts, the system may in some situations revert to delivering the broadcast one receiver at a time. In particular, for receivers that may require the creation of a process, only one will be run at a time to avoid overloading the system with new processes. In this situation, however, the non-ordered semantics hold: these receivers still cannot return results or abort their broadcast.
Note that, although the Intent class is used for sending and receiving these broadcasts, the Intent broadcast mechanism here is completely separate from Intents that are used to start Activities with Context.startActivity(). There is no way for a BroadcastReceiver to see or capture Intents used with startActivity(); likewise, when you broadcast an Intent, you will never find or start an Activity. These two operations are semantically very different: starting an Activity with an Intent is a foreground operation that modifies what the user is currently interacting with; broadcasting an Intent is a background operation that the user is not normally aware of.
The BroadcastReceiver class (when launched as a component through a manifest's <receiver> tag) is an important part of an application's overall lifecycle.
Topics covered here:
  1. Security
  2. Receiver Lifecycle
  3. Process Lifecycle

Developer Guides

For information about how to use this class to receive and resolve intents, read the Intents and Intent Filters developer guide.


Receivers used with the Context APIs are by their nature a cross-application facility, so you must consider how other applications may be able to abuse your use of them. Some things to consider are:
  • The Intent namespace is global. Make sure that Intent action names and other strings are written in a namespace you own, or else you may inadvertently conflict with other applications.
  • When you use registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter), any application may send broadcasts to that registered receiver. You can control who can send broadcasts to it through permissions described below.
  • When you publish a receiver in your application's manifest and specify intent-filters for it, any other application can send broadcasts to it regardless of the filters you specify. To prevent others from sending to it, make it unavailable to them with android:exported="false".
  • When you use sendBroadcast(Intent) or related methods, normally any other application can receive these broadcasts. You can control who can receive such broadcasts through permissions described below. Alternatively, starting with ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH, you can also safely restrict the broadcast to a single application with Intent.setPackage
None of these issues exist when using LocalBroadcastManager, since intents broadcast it never go outside of the current process.
Access permissions can be enforced by either the sender or receiver of a broadcast.
To enforce a permission when sending, you supply a non-null permission argument to sendBroadcast(Intent, String) or sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, android.os.Handler, int, String, Bundle). Only receivers who have been granted this permission (by requesting it with the <uses-permission> tag in their AndroidManifest.xml) will be able to receive the broadcast.
To enforce a permission when receiving, you supply a non-null permission when registering your receiver -- either when calling registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter, String, android.os.Handler) or in the static <receiver> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml. Only broadcasters who have been granted this permission (by requesting it with the <uses-permission> tag in their AndroidManifest.xml) will be able to send an Intent to the receiver.
See the Security and Permissions document for more information on permissions and security in general.

Receiver Lifecycle

A BroadcastReceiver object is only valid for the duration of the call to onReceive(Context, Intent). Once your code returns from this function, the system considers the object to be finished and no longer active.
This has important repercussions to what you can do in an onReceive(Context, Intent) implementation: anything that requires asynchronous operation is not available, because you will need to return from the function to handle the asynchronous operation, but at that point the BroadcastReceiver is no longer active and thus the system is free to kill its process before the asynchronous operation completes.
In particular, you may not show a dialog or bind to a service from within a BroadcastReceiver. For the former, you should instead use the NotificationManager API. For the latter, you can use Context.startService() to send a command to the service.

Process Lifecycle

A process that is currently executing a BroadcastReceiver (that is, currently running the code in its onReceive(Context, Intent) method) is considered to be a foreground process and will be kept running by the system except under cases of extreme memory pressure.
Once you return from onReceive(), the BroadcastReceiver is no longer active, and its hosting process is only as important as any other application components that are running in it. This is especially important because if that process was only hosting the BroadcastReceiver (a common case for applications that the user has never or not recently interacted with), then upon returning from onReceive() the system will consider its process to be empty and aggressively kill it so that resources are available for other more important processes.
This means that for longer-running operations you will often use a Service in conjunction with a BroadcastReceiver to keep the containing process active for the entire time of your operation.


Nested Classes
class BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult State for a result that is pending for a broadcast receiver. 
Public Constructors
Public Methods
final void abortBroadcast()
Sets the flag indicating that this receiver should abort the current broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast.
final void clearAbortBroadcast()
Clears the flag indicating that this receiver should abort the current broadcast.
final boolean getAbortBroadcast()
Returns the flag indicating whether or not this receiver should abort the current broadcast.
final boolean getDebugUnregister()
Return the last value given to setDebugUnregister(boolean).
final int getResultCode()
Retrieve the current result code, as set by the previous receiver.
final String getResultData()
Retrieve the current result data, as set by the previous receiver.
final Bundle getResultExtras(boolean makeMap)
Retrieve the current result extra data, as set by the previous receiver.
final BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult goAsync()
This can be called by an application in onReceive(Context, Intent) to allow it to keep the broadcast active after returning from that function.
final boolean isInitialStickyBroadcast()
Returns true if the receiver is currently processing the initial value of a sticky broadcast -- that is, the value that was last broadcast and is currently held in the sticky cache, so this is not directly the result of a broadcast right now.
final boolean isOrderedBroadcast()
Returns true if the receiver is currently processing an ordered broadcast.
abstract void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
This method is called when the BroadcastReceiver is receiving an Intent broadcast.
IBinder peekService(Context myContext, Intent service)
Provide a binder to an already-running service.
final void setDebugUnregister(boolean debug)
Control inclusion of debugging help for mismatched calls to Context.registerReceiver().
final void setOrderedHint(boolean isOrdered)
For internal use, sets the hint about whether this BroadcastReceiver is running in ordered mode.
final void setResult(int code, String data, Bundle extras)
Change all of the result data returned from this broadcasts; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast.
final void setResultCode(int code)
Change the current result code of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast.
final void setResultData(String data)
Change the current result data of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast.
final void setResultExtras(Bundle extras)
Change the current result extras of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public BroadcastReceiver ()

Added in API level 1

Public Methods

public final void abortBroadcast ()

Added in API level 1
Sets the flag indicating that this receiver should abort the current broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. This will prevent any other broadcast receivers from receiving the broadcast. It will still call onReceive(Context, Intent) of the BroadcastReceiver that the caller of Context.sendOrderedBroadcast passed in.
This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast

public final void clearAbortBroadcast ()

Added in API level 1
Clears the flag indicating that this receiver should abort the current broadcast.

public final boolean getAbortBroadcast ()

Added in API level 1
Returns the flag indicating whether or not this receiver should abort the current broadcast.
  • True if the broadcast should be aborted.

public final boolean getDebugUnregister ()

Added in API level 1
Return the last value given to setDebugUnregister(boolean).

public final int getResultCode ()

Added in API level 1
Retrieve the current result code, as set by the previous receiver.
  • int The current result code.

public final String getResultData ()

Added in API level 1
Retrieve the current result data, as set by the previous receiver. Often this is null.
  • String The current result data; may be null.

public final Bundle getResultExtras (boolean makeMap)

Added in API level 1
Retrieve the current result extra data, as set by the previous receiver. Any changes you make to the returned Map will be propagated to the next receiver.
makeMap If true then a new empty Map will be made for you if the current Map is null; if false you should be prepared to receive a null Map.
  • Map The current extras map.

public final BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult goAsync ()

Added in API level 11
This can be called by an application in onReceive(Context, Intent) to allow it to keep the broadcast active after returning from that function. This does not change the expectation of being relatively responsive to the broadcast (finishing it within 10s), but does allow the implementation to move work related to it over to another thread to avoid glitching the main UI thread due to disk IO.

public final boolean isInitialStickyBroadcast ()

Added in API level 5
Returns true if the receiver is currently processing the initial value of a sticky broadcast -- that is, the value that was last broadcast and is currently held in the sticky cache, so this is not directly the result of a broadcast right now.

public final boolean isOrderedBroadcast ()

Added in API level 5
Returns true if the receiver is currently processing an ordered broadcast.

public abstract void onReceive (Context context, Intent intent)

Added in API level 1
This method is called when the BroadcastReceiver is receiving an Intent broadcast. During this time you can use the other methods on BroadcastReceiver to view/modify the current result values. This method is always called within the main thread of its process, unless you explicitly asked for it to be scheduled on a different thread using registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter, String, android.os.Handler). When it runs on the main thread you should never perform long-running operations in it (there is a timeout of 10 seconds that the system allows before considering the receiver to be blocked and a candidate to be killed). You cannot launch a popup dialog in your implementation of onReceive().
If this BroadcastReceiver was launched through a <receiver> tag, then the object is no longer alive after returning from this function. This means you should not perform any operations that return a result to you asynchronously -- in particular, for interacting with services, you should use startService(Intent) instead of bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int). If you wish to interact with a service that is already running, you can use peekService(Context, Intent).
The Intent filters used in registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter) and in application manifests are not guaranteed to be exclusive. They are hints to the operating system about how to find suitable recipients. It is possible for senders to force delivery to specific recipients, bypassing filter resolution. For this reason, onReceive() implementations should respond only to known actions, ignoring any unexpected Intents that they may receive.
context The Context in which the receiver is running.
intent The Intent being received.

public IBinder peekService (Context myContext, Intent service)

Added in API level 3
Provide a binder to an already-running service. This method is synchronous and will not start the target service if it is not present, so it is safe to call from onReceive(Context, Intent).
myContext The Context that had been passed to onReceive(Context, Intent)
service The Intent indicating the service you wish to use. See startService(Intent) for more information.

public final void setDebugUnregister (boolean debug)

Added in API level 1
Control inclusion of debugging help for mismatched calls to Context.registerReceiver(). If called with true, before given to registerReceiver(), then the callstack of the following Context.unregisterReceiver() call is retained, to be printed if a later incorrect unregister call is made. Note that doing this requires retaining information about the BroadcastReceiver for the lifetime of the app, resulting in a leak -- this should only be used for debugging.

public final void setOrderedHint (boolean isOrdered)

Added in API level 1
For internal use, sets the hint about whether this BroadcastReceiver is running in ordered mode.

public final void setResult (int code, String data, Bundle extras)

Added in API level 1
Change all of the result data returned from this broadcasts; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. All current result data is replaced by the value given to this method.
This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast
code The new result code. Often uses the Activity RESULT_CANCELED and RESULT_OK constants, though the actual meaning of this value is ultimately up to the broadcaster.
data The new result data. This is an arbitrary string whose interpretation is up to the broadcaster; may be null.
extras The new extra data map. This is a Bundle holding arbitrary data, whose interpretation is up to the broadcaster. Can be set to null. This completely replaces the current map (if any).

public final void setResultCode (int code)

Added in API level 1
Change the current result code of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. Often uses the Activity RESULT_CANCELED and RESULT_OK constants, though the actual meaning of this value is ultimately up to the broadcaster.
This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast
code The new result code.

public final void setResultData (String data)

Added in API level 1
Change the current result data of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. This is an arbitrary string whose interpretation is up to the broadcaster.
This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast
data The new result data; may be null.

public final void setResultExtras (Bundle extras)

Added in API level 1
Change the current result extras of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. This is a Bundle holding arbitrary data, whose interpretation is up to the broadcaster. Can be set to null. Calling this method completely replaces the current map (if any).
This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast
extras The new extra data map; may be null.